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Adventure: Egypt

  Egypt is fundamentally an adventure country. There's no doubt about it. The home of one of the world's most ancient civilizations can be nothing but an adventure. A traveler may enjoy the pool or beach during an Egyptian vacation, but it's not the reason they came. Without doubt, adventure is what brings you here, thousands of miles from where you started, across oceans or seas. Egypt is an adventure to cross off your bucket list. The articles I write are here to ensure you have good experiences, and inform you on the negatives so that you can avoid them.  People come here for surprises, exploration, a certain degree of challenge, and discovering hidden gems behind winding alleys, in tiny shops and tiny tombs. Egypt also offers moments of respite, and refuge, like feluccas and street cafes, but those are times to recharge your batteries and ready yourself for your next adventure.  Whether your late nights in are spent in Cairo's crowded streets, floating down the Nil

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